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Mesec: oktober 2018

Folded skirts with the button

Folded skirts with the button

The unique folded skirts with the button are extremely popular in Dična, just like those with stripes. We have designed them to fit your wishes and your body shape. By simply moving the button to the place that suits you, you can customize the size and get yourself...
Folded skirts with the strip

Folded skirts with the strip

The unique folded skirts with the strip are extremely popular in Dična, just like those with buttons. We have designed them to fit your wishes and your body shape. By simply moving the strip to the place that suits you, you can customize the size and get yourself...
Kako izdelamo usnjen pas?

Kako izdelamo usnjen pas?

Vsi naši pasovi so izdelani ročno iz naravno strojenega, 100% govejega usnja. Obarvani so z naravnimi barvami, usnje s končnim premazom pa vsebuje visok odstotek čebeljega voska in jojobinega olja. Dodatna nega ni potrebna! Aplikacije so v usnje vžgane z lasersko...
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